Bonzo, the easy-going, snaggle- toothed, wiggle-bottomed English Bulldog will surely charm you with his hot bod and sweet face. He was surrendered to us instead of the shelter after concerns that his rambunctious play style could prove harmful for the other dog in the home, an older ailing Frenchie. We are not ruling out his being adopted into the care of someone who has experience in a two dog household, however the energy and compatibility of both dogs would be top priority.
Although considered a senior himself at 8yo, Bonzo is in great health and is very active and playful! In true bulldog form, he has the most perfect underbite and enjoys long snore-filled naps in soft beds, but is sensitive to the heat so prefers short walks and limited sunbathing. This boy is 100% crate and potty trained and LOVES hanging in his man cave and chewing on antlers. Bonzo has made a few young human friends along the way and gives gentle kisses, but is looking for a home with no children under the age of 12. We’re excited to see where the future takes this bright boy after getting some decompression time in at his foster home. Are you interested in meeting this sprightly senior?
If you have another dog in your home already, but have fallen in love with Mr. Bon Bon, please know that the foster to adopt process would include a slow introduction led by our Training Consultant Stef Diorio, for lasting success in their relationship. Lastly, if interested in adopting, be prepared to help this boy with his skin allergies, which are best managed through diet, supplements and an occasional medicated bath.