WOTS 2022
Bowie’s parents, who are unhoused, have been concerned about him for quite some time. Not knowing where to turn, they showed up at our WOTS Community event to see if we could help…
Nala’s dad lives in an RV in DTLA, and he used Nala to guard it. She had to drag around a huge heavy chain DAY AFTER DAY. Over time we built a relationship with her dad and with YOUR generous support, we have been able to provide Nala with specific supplies several times, including a dog house, harnesses and cable tie outs to keep her out of the elements and off the chain she has been living on for years…
We met Molly and her dad at one of our WOTS Community events, and upon seeing Molly, we knew she needed more help than we could provide that day. Molly’s skin was itchy, flaky and raw in places. Her eyes were full of goop and ears chock full of wax and yeast…
We met Pepper and Odin when they were just little pups. Their parents are unhoused in the Van Nuys area. Over the past year or so, we have provided both Pepper and Odin with vet care on several occasions, vaccinations, flea medication, as well as donations of food, toys, treats, and leashes…
Our Word on the Street Program is designed to help with supplies and medical care for companion animals of the low income and homeless. Rooted in building trust with the owners, we show them through our actions that we are not here to judge, but to help…